How to Make a Plan to Change My Life

general making changes Aug 07, 2022

So, you want to make a change in your life but you’re not sure how to make a plan.  This article shall give you a step-by-step guide to make such a plan.  Before we begin the step-by-step instructions first pick only one thing at a time to begin with.  Because it will take about 6 weeks to assure that your plan will become a habit just write out the top 5 things you would like to change, then put them in order so that your first priority is number 1 and then rate them from there.

Okay, now that you have a specific goal let's begin the steps.  For the purpose of explaining this I will use weight loss as the goal.

STEP 1:   Write out a paragraph on what you see your life like if you don’t lose weight.  When you do this make it as graphic as you can so an example would be:

I need to lose 50 pounds so that I am in the normal weight range for myself.  If I do nothing about my weight my health shall diminish as I grow older.  I just...

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Reasons Your Wife Might Not Be Interested in Sex

relationships Aug 05, 2022

Does your wife rarely initiate sex, or she seems to be avoiding it?  Does she reject your sexual advances whenever you make them, and it's been a long time since you've had sex with each other. Okay, lets discuss a few potential reasons that might explain why your wife is not interested in you sexually.

  1. She's working too much.

Working full-time and running a household and caring for kids can be exhausting and stressful, many women simply feel too tired and overworked to have any energy for sex. Particularly in marriages between men and women, because the majority of childcare and household upkeep is still done by women still today.  Even when a couple spends roughly the same amount of time at work women tend to do more childcare, cleaning, and cooking.  Often the lady of the house resents doing all the extra things she feels expected to do just because she is a woman.

What to do about it: Make sure she gets some me time where you take overlooking after the kids...

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Iā€™m overwhelmed, what do I do?

mindfulness Aug 03, 2022

It is easy to become overwhelmed today because there is so much information coming from the information highway.  Everyone expects everything immediately but that isn’t always what you can deal with, too much information and it all must be deciphered and put into an understandable usable format.  Trying to deal with that can drive you nuts and on top of that there is noise non-stop in the city, violence either actually happening, or coming to you through your TV or your computer games.  Others also feeling overwhelmed and over-stimulated then add to your anxiety with their miserable moods and taking things out on everybody around them.  So, what strategies can we use to lower or eliminate the stress?

1. Practice the “5-4-3-2-1” method, will put you in the moment.

The “5-4-3-2-1” is a technique that directs your focus on the present moment not worry about what happened or worrying about what will happen but instead you just put...

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7 tips to save money and put more cash in your pocket.

financial Aug 01, 2022

Everybody wants to save money and there are always things you can do to save.  Today we shall discuss ways to be able to enhance your savings and reduce your spending so let’s get started.  I hope you will be able to use these tips or that they will give you ideas on ways to save.

  1. Eliminate Your Debt

When you are trying to put money away but are carrying large debt work on the elimination of the debt first.  To show yourself just add all the money you pay out each month to pay off debts.  Look at the interest you are paying.  Explore to see if you can obtain a loan with a lower interest rate.  Now consider a personal loan to consolidate the debt.  Once the debt is paid off most will easily increase their savings.

  1. Set Savings Goals

A great way to save is to set a goal for something specific.  Say you want to but a new car but want to borrow a small amount as possible and you would like to have a 25% deposit to but down.  Work...

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Do we need vitamin and mineral supplements?

financial health Jul 31, 2022

Most people don’t need to take vitamin supplements and will get all the vitamins and minerals they need when you eat a well-balanced diet.

Vitamins and minerals, such as iron calcium or vitamin C, are essential nutrients that your body needs in small amounts to work properly.

Many people choose to take supplements but taking too much or taking them for too long could be harmful. The medical profession recommends certain supplements for some groups of people who are at risk of deficiency.  Here are the main vitamins and minerals that Doctors look at.

Folic acid supplement in pregnancy

If you're pregnant or trying for a baby or if you could get pregnant, it's recommended that you take a 400-microgram folic acid supplement every day until you're 12 weeks pregnant. Folic acid supplements need to be taken before you get pregnant, so start taking them before you stop using contraception or if there's a chance you might get pregnant.

Folic acid can help to prevent neural tube...

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Cut the cable cord and save big time.

financial Jul 28, 2022

As streaming becomes cheaper and more popular and many people begin to search for ways to save money in this difficult economy, cable TV subscriptions are no longer a must-have.  If you still have cable television one of the quickest ways to save money every single month is to cut the cord and pay for the programs, you want to watch.

In 2022, the financial landscape is becoming dismal, inflation is rising and you’re looking for ways to cut costs. Allow me to ask one simple question: Do you still pay for cable TV? If so, and your budget is beginning to be difficult to adhere to and you’re almost frightened to fill your car up with gas then it might be time to cut the cable TV cord. Thanks to streaming services, you don't need cable or satellite anymore to get your fill of TV shows, movies, news and sporting events live or on-demand. 

All you need to cut the cord is a good internet connection and the apps built into your smart T.V.  or running on...

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Keeping the Peace with the In-Laws

relationships Jul 27, 2022

You just got married and you’re so in love with your spouse you can’t wait to get together after work.  Put the problem is the Mother-In-Law because she turns up at your home without notice and criticizes the way you keep your home.  You don’t say anything at first but as the years go by it becomes more and more annoying and you are fed up to your eyebrows with the insults.  It puts a strain on your relationship but what do you do about it?  Well you need to have a talk with your spouse.

  1.  The marriage is number one above anybody.

This includes your spouse’s family and your family.  You made a vow to each other and not either sides family.  Make sure you support your spouse first and foremost.

  1.  Set and maintain boundaries.

This is the fences you and your spouse should put in place and make sure that all members of both sides of the family are familiar with them.  You and your spouse must discuss this before your...

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Forget will power, this will help you succeed without it!

general making changes Jul 26, 2022

I’ve tried everything …every diet of the month every new program everything and even when I lost weight it always slowed down and I end up failing.   I don’t know what else to do.  Can you hear yourself in those words?  How about this I’ve tried going cold turkey, the patch, the gum, drugs and yes will power but I have not been able to quit smoking.  Sound familiar?

            When we try to make changes to our lifestyle it to a greater or lesser extent involves will power, mind over matter you might say.  When it is something smaller such as perhaps to schedule a ½ hour walk daily does not over-task your will power so much as it is enjoyable to do.  When you want to make a change that is enjoyable to do it merely becomes a matter of doing it everyday for about six weeks and it will become a habit.  But some things you might want to do to change your...

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How to live in the moment

mindfulness Jul 23, 2022

After having many false times where you thought it was real, but it was not.  You had false dreams and did things that were false because they did not exist.  You still depart this world, you die.  This is because you worry about the past and the future.  It is all counterproductive.  The truth is if we believe in quantum Physics, we really don’t know what is reality and what is not.  So let us all just live in the only reality which is NOW! 

            When we're at work, we fantasize about being on vacation; on vacation, we worry about the work piling up on our desks. We dwell on intrusive memories of the past or fret about what may or may not happen in the future. We don't appreciate the living present because we are too worried about what has happened and those ramifications and what might happen in the future.

We need to live more in the moment. Living in the moment, also...

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Should I Join a Gym or Workout at Home?

health Jul 21, 2022
  1.  Benefits of Training at Home

Training at home used to be for the wealthy, or those who weren't particularly committed to their training and only wanted to do the occasional workout. Due to advances in training routines and the low cost of exercise equipment, training at home is now a much better choice for a lot more people. The benefits of training at home are numerous, but it all depends on you and your needs, as to whether this is the right environment for your training to progress. Let's have a look at the benefits of home gyms or simply training at home:

  • Total privacy for your workout - If you don't like exercising in front of other people, this is probably going to be the biggest benefit of training at home.
  • Full Control of the equipment - If you've ever been to a gym and found out they were missing a certain piece of kit that is essential for your workout, you'll understand this struggle. Your gym, you choose exactly what equipment to have.
  • No waiting...
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