Life transformed through Meditation: A Journey to Inner Peace and Wellness

mindfulness Apr 29, 2023

Meditation is a powerful tool that has transformed my life in numerous ways. For years, I struggled with anxiety, stress, and a sense of disconnection from the world at large. Since discovering meditation, I found a how to quiet my mind, connect with my inner self, and nurture a sense of peace and presence that has enriched every part of my life.

Meditation has become an integral part of my daily routine, and it has had a profound impact on my mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing. Here are just a few of the ways that meditation has changed my life for the better:

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

One of the most significant benefits of meditation is the reduction of stress and anxiety. When I meditate, I focus on my breath and let go of any thoughts or worries that pop into my head. This helps release tension and negative emotions.   It leaves me feeling calmer, centered, and better prepared and able to handle the challenges of daily life.

Improved Mental Clarity and Focus


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How do I stop impulse buying online when I'm bored in the evening?

financial Apr 28, 2023

Impulse buying can be a difficult habit to break, but there are ways to help you control it. Here are some tips that might help you:

  1. Never store your credit cards on websites or your computer. Don't make the mistake of saving your credit card information on a retailer’s website. They offer this “For your convenience!” when it really makes it easier for you to make impulse purchases.

  2. Commit to researching before buying. Before making a purchase, take some time to research the product and read reviews from other customers.  Make a rule that any purchase over $25 that is not necessary to living, such as food or toiletries, there is a 24-hour waiting period before purchase.

  3. Unsubscribe to daily deals and mailing lists they're too much of a temptation. If you’re always bombarded with emails about sales and promotions, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement created by the marketers and make an impulse purchase.

  4. Limit time spent on shopping...

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10 Ways To Show Love In a Busy Season Of Life

relationships Apr 26, 2023


Do you ever feel like you catch up with your partner infrequently, often late at night when you’re too tired to speak?  Or when your timetables happen to collide?  There are work dinners, school outings, sporting practice, dinners with friends, homework to supervise, household chores and so the list goes on.  Do you feel like you need to make a date night just to spend some one on one time with your other half?  Time when you’re not sleeping?  If this sounds like you then I'm sure you will enjoy these tips for keeping each other close at heart, even if you canít always be as physically close as youíd like.   It's all about communicating and sharing the little things that make up our lives.  Here are ten easy ways to make your feelings known:

  1. Birthday Love Letter- There is something powerful about a letter.  Writing down all the things that you love about the other person and then giving it to them is a...
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3 Steps to Discovering the Purpose of Your Life

general making changes Apr 25, 2023

Determining what our purpose is in life can be one of the hardest questions that we as humans must try to answer. In this article we will be going through a step-by-step process, exploring your feelings and options, and by the end, you should have a fairly solid tool you can immediately employ in your life, to help give it a meaningful direction! 

There are three steps to the process of discovering the purpose of your life:

  1. Understanding the principle of choice
  2. Creating your “underlying principle”
  3. Aligning your life with this underlying principle

Understanding The Principle of Choice

The greatest power we have is the power of choice. It is an actual fact, that if you have been groping under unhappiness, you can choose to be joyous, instead. And, by effort, lift yourself into joy. If you tend to be fearful, you can overcome that misery by choosing to have courage. The whole trend and the quality of anyone’s life is determined by the choices that are...

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Guest Post, to inspire change in those that lost track in society!

general making changes Apr 24, 2023

Good morning

Today I have a guest post from a person that wants to remain anonymous.  He was a former client of mine from when I regularly practiced as an attorney.  This person is incredible in how he stayed determined to make something of himself in spite of the many roadblocks placed in front of someone that makes this type of mistake.  I hope you enjoy it.

Getting out of prison after spending more than a decade behind bars is not an easy adjustment. The transition from prison life to the real world can be an overwhelming task, but it is possible. I am a living testimony that with determination, hard work, and the right attitude, one can make a fresh start and stay out of trouble.

I was imprisoned for 16 years for an armed robbery I committed when I was a young and foolish twenty-year-old. During my time in prison, I was able to reflect on my life choices and my criminal behavior. I knew that I had to make a change and become a better person otherwise I would...

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10 signs that you should seek a bankruptcy attorney.

financial Apr 22, 2023

If you're struggling to pay your bills, it's imperative to know when it's time to seek professional help. A bankruptcy attorney can help you navigate the complicated legal process of declaring bankruptcy and advise you on how to get your finances back on track. Here are ten signs that you should seek a bankruptcy attorney immediately.

  1. You're struggling to pay your bills: If you're struggling to pay your bills each month and are juggling payments, it is time to consider bankruptcy. A bankruptcy attorney can help you determine if bankruptcy is the right option for your situation.

  2. You're receiving collection calls: If you're receiving frequent calls from debt collectors, it's a sign that you're probably behind on your payments. A bankruptcy attorney can stop these calls and assist you in getting your finances in order.

  3. You're facing a lawsuit: If you're facing a lawsuit from a creditor, seek legal advice if you can't afford it look for a legal aid clinic in your area. ...

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Is reconciliation possible after your spouse is caught cheating?

relationships Apr 20, 2023

Cheating is a painful and devastating experience as anyone who has been cheated on would tell you, especially when it's your spouse. It shatters trust, destroys the bond, and creates a deep wound that can take a long time to heal or perhaps never heals. When a spouse is caught cheating, it is natural to feel betrayed, angry, and hurt. The question that often arises is will reconciliation be possible afterwards such a betrayal. In this article, we will explore that question and look at ways to rebuild trust and move forward should you want to.

The decision to reconcile after infidelity is a deeply personal one that requires careful consideration and thought. It isn't something that can be rushed or forced, and both partners have to be willing to put in the hard work to rebuild the relationship. It's important to remember that reconciliation doesn't guarantee happily ever after ending, and the process can be long, painful and difficult.

The first step towards reconciliation is for the...

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Forget the Law of Attraction try the Law of Assumption!

Neville Goddard was a spiritual teacher and author who wrote extensively on the power of imagination and belief in manifesting one's desires. The Law of Assumption is a central concept in his teachings.

The Law of Assumption states that whatever a person assumes to be true in their imagination, and consistently holds onto as true, will eventually manifest into their physical reality. In a nutshell, what you believe to be true in your mind, you will eventually experience in your external reality.

The Law of Assumption works by using the power of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is the part of our mind that works below our conscious awareness and is responsible for our habits, emotions, and beliefs. When we consistently hold onto a belief in our imagination, our subconscious mind begins to accept it as true and works to bring it into our reality.

To apply the Law of Assumption, you need to start by imagining the end result of what you desire as if it has already happened....

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Starting Your Daily Meditation Routine: Tips and Techniques

mindfulness Apr 14, 2023

Meditation is a powerful tool you can use for reducing stress, increasing mindfulness, and improving overall well-being. However, starting a daily meditation routine can be a challenge for beginners. If you want to begin meditating but are unsure where or how to start, this article will guide you through some tips and techniques to help you establish a daily meditation routine.

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable place.

The first thing needed to begin your meditation routine is finding a quiet and comfortable space where you can sit uninterrupted for a few minutes daily. It could be a corner of your bedroom, or any space where you are able to sit comfortably and without distractions.

  1. Choose a time that works for you.

The next step is to choose a time that is good for you. Some people meditate first thing in the morning, while others find it better for their schedule to meditate before bed. Whatever time you choose, make sure it's a time when you can be consistent and make it a daily...

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10 Tips To Get Physically Fit this Spring.

health Apr 12, 2023

Spring is here finally, and with it comes the opportunity to go outside and begin getting fit. As the long winter of couch surfing, it's time to start focusing in on your health goals. Whether you're looking to shed a few pounds, build muscle, or simply feel energized and healthy, there are many ways to get fit this spring. Here are 10 tips to help you get started.

  1. Set realistic goals: Before you start any fitness program, it's important to set realistic goals. If you have unrealistic goals it breeds failure because it becomes unsurmountable to achieve.  Think about what you want to achieve and the best way you're going to get there. Be specific, and make sure your goals are achievable within a reasonable timeframe.  If you want to weigh less don't make a goal to lose 30 pounds a week because that is highly unlikely to happen unless something is wrong with your health.

  2. Start with small changes: If you're new to exercise, it's important to start with small baby step...

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