Repairing a Broken Friendship

relationships Jan 26, 2023

It can be devastating when a friendship is severed. Best friends may have been an integral part of your life for years, and it can be hard to fathom that one or two disagreements could undo so much. However, the good news is that it is possible to repair a broken friendship—it just takes some patience, understanding, and effort.

Understand Your Own Feelings

When relationships become strained, it’s important to step back and evaluate your feelings. Take some time to think about why you are feeling the way you do and why you would like to repair the friendship. This will help you better understand what your role in rebuilding this relationship should be. If you feel like there was something wrong with the way the rift developed, acknowledge any wrongdoing on your part and take ownership of those mistakes. On the other hand, if you feel like the rift isn't your fault at all, don't let yourself become overwhelmed by guilt or responsibility for things outside of your control....

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How to Get Back on Track After Failing Your New Year's Resolution

general making changes Jan 20, 2023

For many of us, the new year is a time for fresh starts and new beginnings. We set resolutions with the intention of making positive changes in our lives. But what happens when we fail? Is there any way to get back on track after our resolution has gone up in smoke? The answer is yes! Here are some tips to help you get back on track with your New Year’s resolution.

Be Realistic

It’s important to be realistic about what you can accomplish within a certain time frame. If you have set an overly ambitious goal for yourself, it may be wise to break it down into smaller, more manageable goals that are easier to achieve. That way, you can keep track of your progress and stay motivated as you work towards your ultimate goal.

Don't Be Too Hard on Yourself

It’s easy to beat yourself up when things don't go according to plan. But don’t let failure knock your confidence or make you give up entirely. Instead, look at it as an opportunity to learn from your mistakes and...

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How to Pay off Your Credit Card After the Holidays

financial Dec 27, 2022


Christmas is over and you’ve spent more than you had planned with your credit card. You know it’s time to pay it back but where do you start? Don't worry, we have a few tips to help you get back on track and tackle that post-holiday debt.

Set Up a Payment Plan

The first thing to do is to set up a payment plan. Start by looking at your credit card statement to see how much you owe and determine the minimum monthly payment required. Then, use that number as your starting point for setting up a budget or payment plan. Consider using online budgeting tools like Mint or Clarity Money which can help you manage your finances and create realistic goals for paying off debt.

Make More than the Minimum Payment

Once you have established an amount that allows you to make your minimum payments each month, consider making more than the minimum payment if possible. Making more than the minimum payment will help reduce interest charges, lower your overall balance faster, and...

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relationships Dec 22, 2022

Many people feel isolated this time of the year often because they don’t have any family near them and since they retired, they did not maintain the work relationships that they enjoyed prior to retirement.  I have not written a blog post since last weekend because I was preparing to close my Law practice today.  After today I shall be officially retired, I should say semi-retired because I still have a couple of cases to finish up and I will take on the occasional case every now and then.   So, if you’re lonely in retirement, here are some tips to stay social when you retire.

 Retirement can be a lonely experience without the structure and routine of work. But it doesn’t have to be that way; there are plenty of ways for retirees to stay social and make new friends. In this blog post, we’ll look at ten tips for retirees to stay social and why it’s important to remain active and connected with others.

Volunteer Your Time

One of...

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10 Tips for Avoiding Arguments with Your Spouse During the Holidays

relationships Dec 16, 2022

The holiday season is a time to come together and enjoy each other’s company. Unfortunately, it can also be a time of stress and arguments, especially when it comes to couples. If you are looking for ways to keep the peace during the holiday season with your spouse, here are 10 tips that will help you do just that.

1) Set Boundaries – Before the holidays start, sit down with your spouse and discuss boundaries that both of you should follow to avoid arguments. This could include avoiding certain topics of conversation, making sure everyone gets enough sleep, or setting limits on how much money you both spend on gifts.

2) Communicate – Make sure to communicate with your spouse throughout the holidays about how you’re feeling and what’s going on in your lives. Talk about any concerns or worries you must prevent any issues from escalating into an argument.

3) Take Time for Yourself – It can be easy to get overwhelmed over the holidays, so make sure to...

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How to Buy Affordable Gifts for Your Loved Ones During the Holidays

financial Dec 15, 2022

The holiday season is a time of giving, but it can also leave people feeling stressed and financially overburdened. It’s hard to find gifts that are special and meaningful when money is tight. But there are ways to give your loved ones nice presents without breaking the bank. Read on to learn how you can buy gifts that are both thoughtful and affordable this holiday season.  

Make a List

When you’re on a budget, it’s important to make a list so that you know exactly who you need to buy for and what type of gifts you want to get them. Make sure your list includes everyone from close family members like parents or siblings, extended family members like nieces or nephews, friends, coworkers, and anyone else who has had an impact on your life in the past year. Prioritize this list by who will receive the most expensive gifts and work your way down from there. This will help keep you organized and focused while shopping.

Start Shopping Early

It’s easier to...

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How to Unlock Your Spiritual Side

mindfulness Dec 13, 2022

Have you ever felt a deep, intuitive connection to the Universe? Do you want to feel more connected and spiritually aware of your place in the world? If so, look no further. Here are tips for unlocking your spiritual side.

Meditate Regularly

Meditation is a great way to tap into a deeper level of consciousness and unlock spiritual awareness. It helps to reduce stress, improve concentration and focus, and gain clarity on life’s purpose. Start with as little as 5 minutes a day, focusing on your breath and letting go of any thoughts that come up. As you become more comfortable with meditation, gradually increase the amount of time spent meditating until it becomes part of your daily routine.

Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is one of the most powerful tools for unlocking spiritual awareness. Taking time each day to recognize all the things in life we have to be thankful for can bring us back into alignment with our true selves and provide insight into our higher purpose. Make it a...

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10 Tips for a More Organized Home

general making changes Dec 12, 2022

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the clutter in your home? Do you find yourself searching for things that should be easy to find? If so, it’s time to get organized! Here are 10 tips to make sure your house is neat, tidy, and ready for company.  

  1.   Create a designated space for each item in your home. It could be a shelf or cabinet for books or knick-knacks, drawers for clothes, or closet organizers for shoes and accessories. Having specific areas to store items will help you keep them organized and easy to access when needed.
  2.   Use labeled containers and bins to easily store items like craft supplies, cleaning products and seasonal decorations. This will make it simple to find what you need without having to search through piles of stuff.
  3.   Utilize vertical storage units like shelves or wall-mounted hooks if floor space is limited in your home. This will help free up some room while still keeping items within reach when needed.
  4.   Donate or recycle any...
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10 Tips to Help You Stop Procrastinating

Procrastination can be a huge obstacle in our lives. It keeps us from reaching our goals and achieving success. However, procrastination isn’t something that has to be a part of your life forever. Here are 10 tips to help you stop procrastinating and get back on track.

  1. Break Down Your Tasks – Breaking down tasks into smaller steps makes them seem less daunting and much more manageable. This will make it easier for you to focus on one step at a time and complete the task quickly.
  2. Set Deadlines – Setting deadlines for yourself is a great way to keep yourself motivated and focused on completing tasks in a timely manner. Make sure your deadlines are realistic so that you don’t overburden yourself or become too overwhelmed with the task at hand.
  3. Take Breaks – Taking breaks throughout the day is important for giving your body and mind a much-needed rest from all the hard work you’re doing! Taking regular breaks can also help to keep you motivated by...
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Rebuilding After Divorce: 10 Tips for Finding Love Again

relationships Dec 08, 2022

Going through a divorce can be one of the most difficult times in life. It brings about change, sadness, and uncertainty—all of which can make it seem like finding love again is impossible. But it isn't! Here are 10 tips to help you take the first step on your journey to finding love after divorce.

  1. Take time to heal - You don't have to rush into a new relationship after your divorce. Give yourself the time and space you need to process your emotions and come to terms with what happened in your marriage. This will help you develop healthier relationships in the future.
  2. Work on yourself - During this period of healing, spend some time reflecting on who you really are and what kind of relationship you want moving forward. Taking this opportunity to work on yourself will give you confidence when meeting new people, and it will also help ensure that your next partner is a good fit for you.
  3. Get back out there - Now that you've taken some time for self-reflection and healing,...
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